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How do I find the best real estate agent in Port St Lucie?

How do I find the best real estate agent in Port St Lucie?

That’s like asking “Where is the best pizza place or the best Latin Food in Port St Lucie?”

You’ll get 100+ opinions, plus 600 realtors offering their services to you.

Let’s change the question from the BEST real estate agent to

How do I find a good real estate agent in Port St Lucie that I can work with?

Here are three things to consider, if you don’t have friends recommending a real estate agent already

1. Read recent reviews

Read some of their most recent online reviews. Search their name and city to find their profiles in various services like Google, Rate My Agent, Zillow, or

You may not know this, but there is not one single place where customers leave a review. 

We ask our customers to leave us a review on Google so that it appears near our name when people search for a great real estate agent in Port St Lucie.

Read our current reviews here.

Look for current reviews within the past few months to get a sense of the customer experience.

Are customers satisfied? Do customers speak about how they were treated? Is there emotional language about how the customer felt guided, led, safe, and relieved by working with that agent?

Do you get a sense of how the agent solved problems that come up in the course of a transaction? Are the agents reachable?

2. Decide how many people you want to work with.

As you research great real estate agents in Port St Lucie, you’ll encounter a few different types of real estate agents:

  • Solo Agents
  • Small Teams
  • Mega Teams

In our family, Brenda was a solo agent for several years before I joined her. Together we make a husband and wife real estate team. We are able to provide that personalized service of a solo agent, but the combined strength of two people who guide your purchase or sale to completion.

Do you want a one-person team, a small team (like we are a husband/wife team), or a mega team where you get passed from specialist to specialist? 

Before we became real estate agents ourselves, we had experience working with all three types.

We personally found the mega team was too impersonal for our desire. We wanted to talk with “our agent” but were always redirected to an assistant or a different person on the team. The mega team process was efficient and got the job done. They were great at accomplishing the goal.

We discovered however that we liked the more personal approach of a small husband/wife team or the solo agent.

There are great real estate mega teams, there are great small teams like us, and there are great solo real estate agents who do it all. 

Decide your preference of how big of a team you want to work with when it comes time to buy or sell your home.

3. Check out social media.

Check out the real estate agent’s social media.  

Great social media content will give you a feel for a real estate agent’s personality, communication style, and relational skills.

Scroll through the profile and updates and observe how that agent educates, guides, inspires, promotes open houses, markets homes, tells stories, and perhaps shares a little humor.

Not every agent will have social media, and it’s not our place to say that makes them less than a great real estate agent.

The point of checking social media is to learn about the agent you are considering. It is a credibility tool that will help you decide.

Recently, one of our first-time homebuyers discovered us on Facebook. They dug into our profile, scrolled our media, and read what other people had to say.

When we met the customer for the first time, they told us how our social media attracted them to choose us as potentially the best real estate agent for them to work with.

Here is our social media

4. Ask your friends

Most of our home-buying customers have relocated here from outside of Florida, or from another part of Florida more than two hours away. Personal recommendations from friends are not helpful in cases.

For example, a recent customer received a job transfer from the Dallas Texas area to Fort Pierce. They began their property search in Fort Pierce by asking questions in social media groups about Port St Lucie, Fort Pierce, and surrounding areas.

We connected online and helped them buy a new construction home. They had no friends in the Port St Lucie area to connect them with a great real estate agent.

If you are a home seller in St Lucie or Martin counties, your friends would be a great resource for a trustworthy recommendation – people work with people they know, like, and trust. Your friends could make a great recommendation.

If you had a great experience buying your home with your previous Realtor, you could reconnect with them. If they are still in the real estate business, they’d be happy to help you.

Two of our recent customers had lost contact with their prior real estate agent who sold them their house 15+ years ago. They chose to work with us because they went searching for great real estate agents in Port St Lucie, rather than asking their friends.

The Best Real Estate Agent

We won’t claim to be the best real estate agent in Port St Lucie. But we will say that our customers think we are a great real estate team to work with to buy or sell property on the Treasure Coast of Florida.

Our promise to you means that we will deliver the best service you could ever imagine receiving.

The Casas De Walkers Team is focused on giving you a 5-star experience that exceeds all your expectations as you buy, lease, or sell real estate in the Port St Lucie and Treasure Coast areas.